Where there is a scar, there is a blockage (blood, lymph, nerve) so we need to undo what is blocked there allowing the body to work as nature intended. Undoing adhesions will allow the scar area to open up and restore normal circulation
PCOS is best defined as androgen excess (high male hormones) when all other causes of androgen excess have been ruled out.
Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition where one or more organs in the pelvic region, such as the uterus, bladder, or rectum, descend from their normal positions.
This is a brief post about Menopause. I say brief because the topic is so vast and one post doesn’t cover everything. However I would love to introduce few subjects that could be helpful.
The Abdominal Maya Massage invites the uterus to return to her correct position with an external, gentle, non-invasive massage of the abdomen and lumbar area can address and alleviate various symptoms.
Once upon a time to get pregnant was natural and simple, it was about only making love, simple like that. Today some statistics are saying that around 10/12% of couples (in their years of fertility) have fertility issues.
Men benefit physically, emotionally, and spiritually from this wonderful therapy. It improves circulation within the pelvis and abdomen, supports healthy abdominal and reproductive organs which in turn enhances sexual function, sperm health and digestion.
Let’s talk a little bit about a problem that affects an estimated 1 in 10 women during their reproductive years: Endometriosis.
The body doesn’t have empty space. So when an organ has been removed, the space has to be filled… How? Other organs take that place. What happens? As a result of hysterectomy it is possible for the intestines to collapse into the uterus’ place, creating pressure on the bladder.